Far away from everyday life, a very special kind of parallel society is created for five days. In a collective state of exception, a carnival of the senses unfolds in a place without time, reflecting the longing for a better world.

But because there is nowhere where people are free, it is precisely the union of fusionists from all countries and vacation communism that makes us feel that we want more than what we are offered in this life.

How is the fusion organised?

Come with us behind the stages and into the backstage. We introduce you to those who plan, set up, organise and clean up the Fusion Festival and bring some light into the darkness of the Kulturkosmos.

Kulturkosmos associationKulturkosmos as an employerSympathisersFusion networkBarsArtists

Kulturkosmos association

Kulturkosmos Müritz has been a non-profit association and organiser of the Fusion since 1999. We are a constantly changing and developing group with a stable core that has come together on the former Soviet military airfield at the Müritz. Our participants come from all walks of life, professions and places of residence and dedicate their free time to this joint project. Many of them are art and culture professionals, others come from completely different backgrounds.

A video documentary about the association and the festival can be found on the Kulturkosmos website.

Kulturkosmos as an employer

Kulturkosmos employs around 50 people throughout the year. The work fields include accounting and other extensive organisational tasks in festival planning, such as ticketing or booking. A lot of work on the construction and development of the association's site with all the buildings is also carried out by employees throughout the year.

Some of the employees come from the area around Müritz, others from Berlin or elsewhere. It is thanks to them that tasks that have to be realised well in advance of the festival are completed professionally and on time.


Countless hours of voluntary work go into setting up the Kulturkosmos and organising the festivals. Many sympathisers, supporters and friends come several weeks in advance to get involved.

Many generations of local youth have been influenced in their socialisation by participating in and experiencing the festival. Every year in June, in preparation for the festival, an incredible dynamic is set in motion, in the process of which incredible things are achieved and great things are created.

Fusion network

Over the past 25 years, Fusion has developed an absolutely fantastic network. Over 200 different crews and many dedicated individuals realise the festival every year. Over 10,000 sympathisers work together in this Fusion network during the festival from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and all other parts of Germany and the world, along with a further 2,500 people as supporters.

Each crew has a different field of activity and all work largely independently after agreement with us. They manage the floors, stages and hangars, the toilets and showers, regulate admission and traffic. They are all heavily involved in the event and that is the main reason why Fusion is so relaxed and generates so much energy.

In everyday life, a large number of individual crews and groups are involved in subculture, left-wing politics, working with young people or art.

On our new website, many of our crews introduce themselves to the public. If you are interested in discovering who is involved in the realisation of the festival, follow the link.


The bars on the festival site are run by various groups and collectives with a subcultural, left-wing political or artistic background. No private profit is earned from the sale of drinks. This means that every drink you buy supports a solidarity campaign, a cultural initiative or a left-wing political project.


With more than 1,000 programme elements, the over 3,000 artists involved are an essential part of the festival so that we can all lose each other in the fusion parallel universe.

Keep the good memories in your heart!

Please respect the wish for a protected free space where we all - guests, artists, crews - can be who we want to be: free, uncontrolled and unphotographed.
To look back and explore, there is our archive with the old websites and photo galleries.