

Our guests should be able to celebrate undisturbed, unfilmed and unphotographed.

We do not issue press accreditations or send out press material.

Thank you for your understanding.


We founded a press group for the first time in 2019

After months of fruitless negotiations with the police and authorities, our spirits were at rock bottom. We knew that it would mean the end of Fusion if we couldn't reject the police's desire to monitor the festival. Our only option was to flee forwards and we had to turn to the wider public. We were overwhelmed by the solidarity that unfolded across the entire country. The media interest has led to a debate about the political question of whether there can continue to be free spaces in this society that are not restricted by the police and accompanied by repressive action.

A cultural festival, of all things, was able to win a conflict over civil rights and liberties and against the expansion of state control and surveillance. We are very grateful for the support we received.

The new press group was a loose association of media-experienced sympathizers who supported us on a voluntary basis and continue to stand by our side. We are incredibly grateful for their work.